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30 avril 2009

The Moonwalk

Why am I doing this?   
The blog?  Perhaps as an explanation to myself, a "carnet de route" for this first step towards bigger things.  Maybe as a justification for those people I've persuaded to sponsor me in my endeavours.  Perhaps sheer vanity.  Me and millions of others..........
The Moonwalk?   To show solidarity for my aunt and cousins - and countless others who've had to deal with this and other cancers.  A personal challenge - to get fit and lose weight, which is, after all, one of the aims of the charity.  It's in Edinburgh, which is my spiritual home (and will be illuminated in pink on the night!).  We'll be walking into my cousin's 40th birthday.  What more could we want? To be sponsored by "The LadyBoys of Bangkok"?  Job done.

I did hesitate slightly, as I'm not one for donating to traditional medical research.  I believe that the focus is often too narrow and treats illness as a separate entity to the person who's dealing with it.  However, I've seen a lot of evidence recently that the medical body is starting to take on board a more global approach to treatment and this charity, by promoting better health and preventitive measures through diet and exercise, is (literally) taking a step in the right direction.   

This walk is just a small contribution on my part.  I'm well aware that there are people out there taking on much bigger challenges.  My sister told me about the injured soldier who's currently following the route of the London marathon at the rate of two miles a day, on crutches.  He was told he'd never walk again and he's proving them wrong.  I'm lucky to be in good health and I simply want to put that to good use.  This is a start.

So here I am, with 7 and a half weeks' training left to go.  Quite a few kilometers under my belt (or shoes) but a lot more to do if I don't want to be crippled for days after the event. Apart from anything else, I'll need to get back to France!

I've promised to raise at least £100 for Walk the Walk, but I'd like to raise £500, so please help me by giving just a few euros or pounds.  Thank you.
